Telavox Blog



How Telavox Academy makes user onboarding easy and effective

In today’s world, everything is becoming more virtual, and that includes learning. Learners want easily accessible knowledge without any decrease in quality. Telavox Academy was founded in the spring…

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Telavox Talks: A podcast about humans and technology

Telavox Talks, a brand new podcast exploring the relationship between humans and technology has recently been released. It's available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Acast and other podcast platforms.…

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5 ways telephony fosters customer relationships during financial turmoil

In times of financial turmoil, businesses face numerous challenges in maintaining customer relationships. However, amidst the chaos, telephony emerges as a powerful tool that can help organisations…

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Embracing cloud-based telephony for business agility in a volatile market

In today's fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, agility is the key to success. The ability to adapt quickly to market fluctuations, customer demands, and emerging technologies can make or…

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Streamlining production: The top 5 benefits of UCaaS for manufacturing

With the rise of remote work and the increasing need for collaboration and communication among teams, businesses are turning to UCaaS as a way to streamline their operations and boost productivity.…

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Infographic: How waiting time impacts customer experience

We’ve all had times in the past when we’ve been waiting for support. It might be standing in a checkout queue at the supermarket, or waiting on hold for our customer support call to be answered.


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eRate officially joins the Telavox family

Telavox acquired eRate, the MVNE frontrunner in Norway,in December of 2021. After a full year of alignment, the two companies now move into the next phase under the same brand as one strong…

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How to make wait times online feel shorter with live chat

Waiting times will always occur, but how can you turn waiting into a positive customer experience? We've investigated the difference between actual and perceived wait times and how you can use live…

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Call queue management – how to do it as efficiently as possible

One thing is sure – no one enjoys spending time in a telephone queue. By focusing on call queue management, you can reduce the actual and perceived waiting time and improve the customer experience.

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What is a cloud PBX?

A cloud PBX is a mobile PBX that is much more than just the technology that connects the company's phone calls. With a cloud-based PBX, your company gets a solution for all communication: from chat…

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