Telavox Blog



6 big benefits of UCaaS for banking and finance

Companies in banking and finance need to meet a lot of requirements. This calls for a telephony solution that can go the extra mile. The industry needs scalable solutions, important features such as…

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How to find an IP telephony system and the right plan for your company

An IP telephony system follows the same principles as regular telephony. The one thing that differs is that the calls are made over the Internet, resulting in lower costs. Wherever you are, you can…

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How to integrate IP telephony, CRM and customer service

IP telephony, customer service and CRM represent the company's unified communications tools – and are great team players. If you want to optimise how you communicate within the company, you need to…

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Call recording and GDPR – everything you need to know

To record calls can be really beneficial for some companies – you don’t have to take notes and can focus on the person you're talking to. In some industries, there are even legal requirements for…

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How cost-effective is your IP telephony solution?

Are you aware of what your company really pays for IP telephony? Do you know if your provider offers competitive prices? No? Well, then it’s definitely time to look into your current agreement and…

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Business mobile vs softphone – what's the difference?

Almost every employee has a company mobile phone today. But this doesn’t mean it’s always the obvious choice! On the contrary, many office employees might actually benefit from primarily using a…

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A PBX system for Nordic companies – here's the ultimate solution

With a unified PBX system for all your offices, you can improve the dialogue with customers, fine-tune your internal collaboration, and get a completely superior communication platform. Here is the…

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Travelling with a company phone – how does it work?

Today, almost everyone brings their company mobile abroad – whether they’re on a two-day business trip to Austria or a three-week vacation in Thailand. However, failing to keep track of the mobile…

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Get started with Salesforce telephony integration

Salesforce is a powerful CRM that can be made even more potent through telephony integration. By letting your telephony solution and Salesforce become best friends, you simultaneously get happier…

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Happier customers all over the Nordic region with cloud based telephony

People have short patience. No one likes to wait in a phone queue, be put on hold, get a busy tone or having to repeat their customer number over and over again when calling a company. So, what can…

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