Telavox Blog

Black Friday: How to prepare your customer service team

Black Friday means your customer service team must be well-prepared, as it is one of the most important shopping days of the year. Maybe even the most important one! To make sure your customer…

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How telephony and IVR can ease the burden for small healthcare businesses

Small healthcare businesses such as dentists, vets and physios often find themselves overwhelmed when juggling the running of the clinic alongside communicating with patients and practitioners.…

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Improved care and reduced costs – key benefits of UCaaS in healthcare

The healthcare system has become significantly more efficient since the turn of the millennium. However, the size and costs of healthcare systems continue to grow. As healthcare providers strive to…

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Enhance your e-commerce business with the right telephony solution

E-commerce businesses are blossoming, and it doesn’t look like the industry will be slowing down anytime soon. But are you able to keep up with the increasing demand? One way to ease the burden is to…

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How to use programmability to enrich your call experience

Wouldn’t you like to make your work life a little bit easier, whilst delivering a better call experience for your customers? That’s exactly what programmability can do. But what is it, exactly? And…

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How Telavox Academy makes user onboarding easy and effective

In today’s world, everything is becoming more virtual, and that includes learning. Learners want easily accessible knowledge without any decrease in quality. Telavox Academy was founded in the spring…

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Why should you upgrade to a UCaaS solution?

Are you still tied to your old PBX system? Then it’s time to consider switching to UCaaS – a move that can future-proof your workforce and streamline your workdays.

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Telavox Talks: A podcast about humans and technology

Telavox Talks, a brand new podcast exploring the relationship between humans and technology has recently been released. It's available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Acast and other podcast platforms.…

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5 ways telephony fosters customer relationships during financial turmoil

In times of financial turmoil, businesses face numerous challenges in maintaining customer relationships. However, amidst the chaos, telephony emerges as a powerful tool that can help organisations…

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Embracing cloud-based telephony for business agility in a volatile market

In today's fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, agility is the key to success. The ability to adapt quickly to market fluctuations, customer demands, and emerging technologies can make or…

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