Telavox Blog

Streamlining production: The top 5 benefits of UCaaS for manufacturing

With the rise of remote work and the increasing need for collaboration and communication among teams, businesses are turning to UCaaS as a way to streamline their operations and boost productivity.…

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How telephony can help manufacturers adapt to changes in the workforce

Telephony has been a crucial part of manufacturing for decades. Even as more and more processes become digitised and automated, the need for consistent, reliable voice calling has never gone away.…

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Infographic: How waiting time impacts customer experience

We’ve all had times in the past when we’ve been waiting for support. It might be standing in a checkout queue at the supermarket, or waiting on hold for our customer support call to be answered.


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eRate officially joins the Telavox family

Telavox acquired eRate, the MVNE frontrunner in Norway,in December of 2021. After a full year of alignment, the two companies now move into the next phase under the same brand as one strong…

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How to make wait times online feel shorter with live chat

Waiting times will always occur, but how can you turn waiting into a positive customer experience? We've investigated the difference between actual and perceived wait times and how you can use live…

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8 tips for a professional welcome message

First impressions matter – not least when your customers call you. But if you're not there to respond, what do they hear then? Hopefully, a professional welcome message. Here's how to do it!

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Call queue management – how to do it as efficiently as possible

One thing is sure – no one enjoys spending time in a telephone queue. By focusing on call queue management, you can reduce the actual and perceived waiting time and improve the customer experience.

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What is a cloud PBX?

A cloud PBX is a mobile PBX that is much more than just the technology that connects the company's phone calls. With a cloud-based PBX, your company gets a solution for all communication: from chat…

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What is a PBX phone system?

A PBX phone system is just as useful for worldwide organisations as for one-person businesses. Because who answers your calls can have a decisive impact on your business. A PBX conveys a serious…

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How to manage mobile subscriptions when someone quits

Has an employee resigned, gone on parental leave, or been on long-term sick leave? Then, the tedious process of getting rid of the company subscription for the mobile phone is awaiting. In this post,…

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