Telavox Blog

Amalfi Technologies becomes a Telavox reseller

Telavox is proud to announce its partnership with Amalfi Technologies, based in Surrey, UK, they are cybersecurity advisors and awareness trainers, GDPR consultants, virtual DPO’s, password…

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Intuity Communications team up with Telavox

With steady and organic growth in the Nordic region, the award-winning Swedish IT and telecom company Telavox, teams up with UK channel partner and industry veterans Intuity Communications, enhancing…

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Telavox partners with ISUMO

Telavox is partnering with ISUMO, a London-based technology and IT support company. ISUMO currently provides a portfolio of products delivered through strategic partners such as SSE, Microsoft, Lumen…

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We say goodbye to the name Flow – our Head of Marketing explains why

Right now, Telavox is getting a branding makeover. Here, our Head of Marketing, Vanessa Meyer, tells you more about it and takes a stroll down memory lane.

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Loxodonta doubled their sales thanks to Telavox

Loxodonta has helped companies with their digitalisation since 1985. With 35 years in the business, they’ve sold a lot of different solutions. But since they started selling Telavox, they haven’t…

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Tackling customer service challenges in remote times

The customer service industry is tackling one of its biggest challenges ever. The pandemic situation is throwing curveballs at support teams all over the world. So, how do you make customer service…

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10 fun ways we're reducing our carbon footprint

Green lunch lotteries, free menstrual cups and bikes instead of cars. These are some of the things we’re doing at Telavox, in our quest for a more sustainable lifestyle.

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3 scenarios that show the benefits of a company phone conference

Although today’s technology lets us hold internet-based meetings both internally and externally, there are advantages to having a good, old-fashioned phone conference. We’ve listed three common…

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The best phone conference is from your mobile

You have a phone conference in five minutes, but you’re stuck on the underground. Or you’re in a seemingly never-ending meeting, and if you don’t leave soon you’ll miss your son’s dance recital.…

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The solution that gives you the company’s best phone conference

The best phone conference is accessible, easy to use, and helps improve collaboration in your company. A solution that is designed to suit all types of businesses – and that is free. Sounds good,…

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