Telavox Blog

Oscar Hjelmstedt

Oscar Hjelmstedt

Why should you integrate ticketing with your telephony?

One of the best tools for managing customer interactions is a ticketing system. These systems help businesses track, manage, and resolve issues systematically, ensuring no query goes unanswered.…

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Simplifying compliance with Telavox

Keeping on top of regulations can be challenging, especially in highly complex industries like finance. Regulations such as MiFID II and the upcoming MiFID III mean that compliance is more important…

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How to use programmability to enrich your call experience

Wouldn’t you like to make your work life a little bit easier, whilst delivering a better call experience for your customers? That’s exactly what programmability can do. But what is it, exactly? And…

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Why should you upgrade to a UCaaS solution?

Are you still tied to your old PBX system? Then it’s time to consider switching to UCaaS – a move that can future-proof your workforce and streamline your workdays.

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8 tips for a professional welcome message

First impressions matter – not least when your customers call you. But if you're not there to respond, what do they hear then? Hopefully, a professional welcome message. Here's how to do it!

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How to manage your company’s phone licenses

Managing your company’s phone licenses is easy in Telavox’s admin portal: you can add, cancel, rebind and upgrade phone licenses with a few clicks. But what are licenses and how do they work? Here,…

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6 advantages of Telavox's PBX for transport & logistics companies

Transport and logistics companies know that well-functioning telephony is essential. Voice calls are drivers' primary means of communication, and customer service relies on telephony and the PBX to…

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Get more productive employees with remote work

Today, many of us work from home, and it’s become an even more accepted part of our worklife. But how can we get more productive when working from our couch? It depends a lot on your choice of IT…

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Tips from the Teams expert – here’s how to collaborate smarter

Over a million companies use Microsoft Teams. Perhaps your company is one of them. But do you use your collaboration tools the right way? We talked with Mårten Hellebro, Senior Cloud Architect at…

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Want to reduce your IP telephony costs? Here's what to look for

Do you know how much IP telephony really costs your company? Do you know if your supplier offers cost-effective solutions? If not, then it's time to look at your deal to find out if you need to make…

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