How to manage your company’s phone licenses

Managing your company’s phone licenses is easy in Telavox’s admin portal: you can add, cancel, rebind and upgrade phone licenses with a few clicks. But what are licenses and how do they work? Here, we go through the essentials.

It’s super easy to manage your company’s telephony in Telavox’s admin portal – you can do it yourself! As an admin, you can move licenses, activate SIM cards, top-up data and port numbers. But first things first: what are licenses?

What are licenses?

Licenses are detached from users and numbers, so they can easily be moved between users or cancelled. It’s much more flexible than having to manage personal subscriptions. If an employee quits, it’s a lot easier to cancel their license and assign it to a new colleague. Smart, right?



There are lots of advantages to managing your licenses yourself. You don’t need to contact an outside party to make changes, which makes you much more flexible. Spend less time logging in and out of platforms and more on what makes a real difference. It gives you a more efficient business.

How it works

To manage your licenses, you only need to log into the Telavox admin portal and click on Administration. At the bottom of the menu is a tab called Licenses.


Here is a clear overview of your company’s licenses: you can see how many licenses you have, if they’re bound or not, and what they cost. The Fixed licenses are displayed first, followed by the Mobile licenses.


Add licenses

Has your company grown with new employees? It may be time to add more licenses. Go to the license page and choose Buy. Here, you select how many and what kind of license you wish to buy: bound or unbound.


Cancel licenses

Avoid extraneous costs and cancel licenses that aren’t used. On the license page, click on the text Cancel licenses. You can see how many licenses you can cancel and the monthly cost after the switch.


Re-bind licenses

In the admin portal, you can also re-bind your licenses. Go to Licenses and click on Re-bind licenses. All licenses that you can re-bind are listed here.


Upgrade from Fixed to Mobile

When the company changes, the telephony has to change with it. Do you have fixed telephony that needs to be broadened with mobile telephony? No problem! On the license page, click on Upgrade Fixed to Mobile under the list of Fixed licenses.


You’re welcome to contact your Customer Success Manager if you have any questions. Good luck with your licenses!

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