Telavox Blog

Oscar Hjelmstedt

Oscar Hjelmstedt

We say goodbye to the name Flow – our Head of Marketing explains why

Right now, Telavox is getting a branding makeover. Here, our Head of Marketing, Vanessa Meyer, tells you more about it and takes a stroll down memory lane.

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Loxodonta doubled their sales thanks to Telavox

Loxodonta has helped companies with their digitalisation since 1985. With 35 years in the business, they’ve sold a lot of different solutions. But since they started selling Telavox, they haven’t…

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Tackling customer service challenges in remote times

The customer service industry is tackling one of its biggest challenges ever. The pandemic situation is throwing curveballs at support teams all over the world. So, how do you make customer service…

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Siedle Nordic | “Now we have a unified PBX solution for all our Nordic countries”

A physical PBX and mobile phones wasn’t cutting it for Siedle Nordic. They wanted to communicate with ease across their offices in the Nordics. When they needed a flexible and unified solution, they…

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Telavox's CMO to speak at Microsoft TechDays

Telavox is working hard to create an inclusive workplace. Now, our hard work is getting recognized. Our Chief Marketing Officer, Vanessa Meyer, is going to speak at Microsoft TechDays in October!

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