Better unified communications with a company-wide cloud PBX

A cloud PBX is the center of your unified communications. Bring together your conversations with a unified platform, and see how internal efficiency spread like wildfire across borders – not losing a single customer along the way!

Unified communications (UC) is something all modern companies strive to achieve today. UC is simply about gathering all your communication in one place – both to be more available for customers, but also to maximise internal efficiency. UC can include the company's most basic channels; such as telephony, PBX and email, but also video calls, chat and social media.

Time to bring all your channels together? Then there’s only one place to start: your PBX service.

Why a cloud PBX is central to your UC

If your company is located over several Nordic countries, you know how important it is to have seamless communication between all offices. Not only to reduce friction over the borders, but also to improve customer satisfaction on several levels. You simply need a system that is no different whether you are situated in Kiruna or Trondheim – it should be as easy to make a call to the colleague on the other side of the wall as across the Baltic Sea.

However, smooth phone calls are not enough to create effective UC. With a modern cloud PBX, chat also becomes much more important – especially for your external communication. 

In a traditional PBX system, a support staff member might be in two different response groups, depending on the area of ​​responsibility. If you also have a chat function, it means that you get a whole new communication channel that needs to be included in these response groups. There won’t be any major organisational changes, but you’ll open up a whole new world for your customers!

The importance of a chat in your cloud PBX

There are many benefits of having a company chat. Just the fact that people are offered the opportunity to chat with customer service online, instead of having to call, is a big plus. Also, chatting is often the first choice when you have an issue of minor nature, especially for the younger generation. Instead of waiting in the telephone queue and explaining their problem several times along the way, it’s effortless to just throw out a question in the chat. Completely on the customers' terms!

Follow inquiries in all channels

With chat as an integrated part of your cloud PBX, it’s also easy to trace customers' cases between different systems and phone numbers. You know that someone called the PBX number last week, chatted with customer service yesterday, and also talked to one of your colleagues on their mobile number. When all channels sync with each other on the same platform, you never have to worry about losing track of a case along the way. You can follow the entire journey – from problem to solution (and more sales!) – and the statistics will clearly show an increase in customer satisfaction.

Structures and routines that will facilitate your UC

With unified communications and a multifunctional cloud PBX, you always have great potential to create more efficient processes. This applies not only to the local offices, but to all parts of the company. As IT manager or general manager, you can facilitate different company departments by quality assuring your AD (Active Directory). When you gather information about all your employees in the same master system, it’s easy for both the payroll department and external suppliers to get hold of the right information. At the same time, the employee who has been promoted does not have to update their title anywhere – it’s done automatically!

Pro tip! Combining multiple systems can be a great way to build effective structures in your day-to-day work. For example, you can integrate your CRM or digital security tools like BankID to make your daily processes smoother.


Don't forget the telephone policy!

Another valuable thing that helps you streamline your communication is establishing a telephone policy. With common guidelines and procedures on how to handle everything from voice responses to call forwarding and mobile data, you get a uniformity that will benefit everyone.

Read more: How to write a great telephone policy

Statistics and data for continuous improvement

With the same PBX system for the entire company, it’s also easier to get an overview of how all departments deliver. In many solutions, including Telavox's own cloud PBX, you can extract call statistics that reveals how the routines work and what measures you may need to take to get even better results. With smart staffing and common procedures you never have to risk missing out on an opportunity for improvement.

Customers are satisfied when they can communicate with a company through different channels. Employees can gather their internal communication in one single place. Overall management can easily create routines that strengthen and unifies the entire company. Those are the benefits of unified communications!

Want to dig deeper into unified communications? Read our blog post: What is UCaasS and how does it work?

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