Pre-vacation checklist for business owners

Summer is here and many of us long for a well-deserved break. But before you close that computer and head out into the sun, there are probably a few things to fix for you as an entrepreneur. Make sure to have a look at our checklist so that you're all set for your vacation!

1. Set up your summer opening hours

With a few clicks in the admin portal, it's easy to schedule when your PBX should be open or closed. Just select PBX Services and click the icon with the watch.

In this video, we show you step-by-step how to change the opening hours in the queue and IVR (Interactive Voice Response):


Also: A great way to display your opening hours is to install the Telavox Widget on your website!

2. Record a nice summer greeting

Record a new welcome message and inform people of when you're on vacation. It's super easy to do in the app: Just enter a queue and press the settings button in the upper-right corner. Then, select Manage sound to record a new one.


3. Show your colleagues when you're away

Use your profile to show the team when you're on vacation. It's easy to change your profile and status in the app, and the profile Vacation is already there as a preset.

When that profile is active, everyone that calls you on your work number gets informed that you're on vacation and when you will be back. That way, you can rest easy, knowing you won't be disturbed!

4. Top-up with extra surf

Getting more surf is a piece of cake. You can do it in the mobile app by clicking the cog at the bottom. Navigate to Mobile data and press "Buy more data".

If you're not able to do so, you might have to contact your administrator to either do it for you or add the option.

5. Keep track of the stats

Would you like a quick overview of how many calls have been answered, the average waiting time and more? Just take a look at the app and then get back to sunbathing.


We'd like to wish all our customers a fantastic summer!


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